1:45 Society, socialism, government
4:04 GMO Patents
6:19 Monsanto
10:15 A church is a state
10:38 Jesus appointed a kingdom
10:50 Benefactors feed His sheep
11:15 Free nations
11:30 American Medical Association
11:45 Pharmaceuticals
13:47 The Living Network
15:26 Church alternative to state
15:55 Embryonic republic
16:43 Separation of church and state
1:04 Frederic Bastiat The Law
1:45 Society, socialism, government
4:04 GMO Patents
6:19 Monsanto
10:15 A church is a state
10:38 Jesus appointed a kingdom
10:50 Benefactors feed His sheep
11:15 Free nations
11:30 American Medical Association
11:45 Pharmaceuticals
13:47 The Living Network
15:26 Church alternative to state
15:55 Embryonic republic
16:43 Separation of church and state
17:00 State of freedom and liberty
17:50 Abraham stones, Moses Levites
18:18 Office of service – no profit
19:04 Church, called out ekklesia in the wilderness
20:01 Numbers 8:14 – Levites
20:24 Jesus made the Apostles the new Levites
20:31 Many Levites murdured, Hyrcanus, Arisobilus, Hasmoneans
20:55 Herod, Corban
21:30 Perfect law of liberty
21:42 Early Christians prospered during the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
22:10 Modern economic collapse
22:45 Righteous gathering in love
21:17 Contrary to the ways of Caesar
25:52 The modern church is actually weakening society and families
32:45 Pentecost, Christ is King of Judea
34:40 Sacrifice of the red heifer
34:50 Prophecy of the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem
35:07 Living stones
35:57 Constantine
36:50 Marriage of Church and State
37:40 Milan – Bishops
37:50 Essence of Kingdom is to diversify power
38:00 Ambrose
38:15 Persecution
39:14 Council of Nicaea
40:13 Heretics
40:40 16th Century republican churchs, synods
Republics of Modern Times by Rev. John Crowell
41:29 Popular government
41:50 Titular representatives
42:25 Denominations
42:42 Doctrines of the church
43:00 Christ’s whole law of love
43:15 Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
43:55 Mission of the church
44:33 True benefactors
45:10 A society based on love
46:15 The Republics Organized
46:40 Sin of covetousness – 2 Peter 2:3
47:00 Homeric Greek – cosmos
49:50 Be the government of, by and for the people
52:00 Jesus’ kingdom at hand
52:20 Matthew 2:2 King of the Jews
53:00 Petronus
53:30 Matthew 20:25, Mark 10:42, Luke 22:25