Audio: Dictionary Series – “Church”


Higher Liberty Audio:49 Choosing paths in society

1:15 Commitment

1:32 Institutions

2:43 Sabbath is about debt

3:37 Metaphor and symbolism

4:27 Ritual vs. righteousness

7:20 Christ’s faith is every day

10:46 The church is one form of government

10:55 Black’s Law Dictionary

11:55 Doctrines of church

13:56 Rituals and ceremonies

14:13 Weightier matters, law, judgment, mercy, faith

18:20 Forgiving and giving

18:34 Corban

19:53 Taking God’s name in vain.

21:12 Come together in congregation to serve

21:32 Romans 1:8

22:00 Faith

22:28 Romans 1:16

22:54 Pentecost

23:15 1 Corinthians 15:3

25:31 Ephesians 1:12

25:40 1 Timothy 1:16

34:49 2 Timothy 4:22

35:02 Christ preached a way to govern

35:29 Who are the children of God?

35:33 Parable of the two sons

36:21 Pure religion

36:38 Christ came to serve

37:40 Is His Holy Church deist?

39:31 Strong families and communities make for weak despots.

41:11 Wise as serpents, harmless as doves

41:50 Take steps in the right direction to climb a mountain

44:10 Christianity Derailed

44:23 Are Christians Idiots?

45:13 Apostolic church

45:24 Corban

45:45 Cult, orthodox


50:59 America is the greatest mission field

53:05 Christ fed real bread and fish

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