Jesus and Power Politics: The Reserve Banks

MoneychangersThis scene portraying Jesus like a drunken, hippie, wild man has been reinforced by popular media. But suppose that interpretation is as ridiculous and as unenlightened as most other things in the mainstream media. If mainstream media promotes this view of Jesus, isn’t that the first clue that something smells funny? But how would they know any better since the same picture is promoted in government-licensed churches?

There’s a way of looking at this passage that makes much more sense…and makes Jesus a much more impressive character…

Suppose “tables” = banks.

“Whip” = authority to fire. We see this portrayed on the sarcophagus of a pharaoh—his arms crossed with a shepherd’s hook in one hand and a whip in the other. This was symbolism for the power to hire (hook) and fire (whip).

We also know (yet subconsciously deny) that Jesus was the (very real) king of Judea, officially recognized by surrounding nations and even Rome.

Temples = government buildings. For example, the Temple of Ephesus was a type of world bank. The Temple of Nebo was public school. The Temple of Herod amounted to the Social Security Administration.

Put those pieces together and a picture of high-powered politics emerges. Jesus was the newly recognized king of Judea which was one of the world’s richest nations that included a major port city and was the pivot point of many trade routes. Just as a new US president fires the judges of the previous president, it was Jesus’ responsibility to replace government employees with those he trusted.

The new king was turning over the banking system (Federal Reserve) and “tax collection” duties to people he trusted. In fact, he was re-instituting a style of government based on freewill offerings as Abraham and Moses originally setup for Israel. But the pharisees had become rich off the FORCED contributions of the people (taxes), hence they conspired to kill the new king that was upsetting their cushy lifestyles.

Ask JFK if politics has changed much in 2000 years.

Stripped of all its modern mysticism (that makes the word of God to none effect), the Bible becomes a very intriguing window into history.

These people who have been turning the world upside down have come here also…They are all acting contrary to the decrees of the emperor, saying that there is another king named Jesus. Acts 17:6–7

For more background details:

How our definitions got all screwy…

One Reply to “Jesus and Power Politics: The Reserve Banks”

  1. Nice. The truth, as Dresden James so eloquently stated, often sounds utterly preposterous, and the speaker, of the truth, is often labeled a raving lunatic. This truth about Jesus being the dejure, rightful, lawful King of a nation, ruling over one form of government, with the power and authority all kings had, will sound utterly preposterous to most people. Yet we see him hailed as the king in the same ceremony (inauguration ritual) that all the kings of Israel/Judah performed as they took the throne in Jerusalem. The waving palm fronds the singing of “hail to the chief”, I mean, Hosanna in the highest, the riding into town on a horse, in this case this servant king rode in on a mule, a colt, to signify his willingness to humble himself before God and the people as a servant king. But once in office he didn’t waste any time bringing the government back into alignment with the law and way of God the Father. Even firing the bankers, which didn’t make him any friends within the elite social circles of the two major political/religious parties of the day, the Pharisees and the Saduccees.

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