1:04 Jesus in agreement with Moses
1:09 Abraham – man of faith
1:26 Definitions have changed
1:50 Dead Sea Scrolls
6:06 Accurate translation without outside influence
6:50 Condemnation by academia
7:19 Context of the times
10:50 Society language and thought
13:00 Context of text
13:59 Mass media
14:20 Corban inscribed on vessels
14:51 Vessels not to be displaced
15:07 Jesus was the King
15:18 Jesus instructs in the Royal Treasury – John 8:20
18:10 Gastiphone – sp?
18:39 Mark 11 – vessels
19:57 moneychangers
23:21 tables
24:01 Thieves – plunderers
24:40 Herod – Sanhedrin
24:56 Lavish priest quarters
26:44 House of prayer
30:18 Scribes and registration
32:20 Freewill offerings
37:01 High Priests/kings 200 B.C. – Herod the Great
38:50 Voluntarism
39:43 Aristobulus
41:50 Romans’ love of law
44:03 Joseph Caiaphas – Annas
45:53 Lazarus of Bethany
46:04 Simon the “Leper”/Jarmaker
47:40 Johann Se???
50:09 Caiaphas bone box