:46 Epigenetics, grassroots
1:06 Sole entity
1:13 Relationship between a man and a woman
1:59 Mutual symbiotic relationship
2:55 Made in the image of God
3:06 Human biology, cells
6:15 DNA
7:45 Health
7:57 Thoughts can change DNA
9:00 Meditation can reduce levels of pro-inflammatory genes
9:55 God’s thoughts revealed by Him
10:50 Dr. Bruce Lipton, change perception
11:19 Change thought patterns, cancer
11:30 Poisons in environment, diet
12:39 Beliefs, reality
13:06 Nocebo Effect
18:16 Doctors are not God
19:55 Self-healing, Placebo Effect
20:57 Giver of life
21:10 Spiritual DNA
21:55 ribK2 and cox2 genes – histone genes
22:25 Diabetics
24:35 Subconscious thought
27:20 Epigenetic memory and inheritance
29:50 Meditation, mindfulness
30:50 Your Mind Can Keep You Well by Roy Masters
32:34 Positive thought, selfish hearts
35:29 Power of indwelling Holy Spirit over selfish subconscious mind
36:05 Evidence of indwelling Holy Spirit
38:40 Meditation and control
40:00 Christlikeness, servanthood, the “God” gene
43:00 Fear
44:36 Frequencies, prayer, fasting
47:14 Real, healing, life-giving love
48:40 RNA, nucleotides
49:50 Mind of Christ