0:44 Cutters
4:04 Matthew 17:24-27 Tribute
4:44 Pharoah
5:47 Prepping
6:15 Stock in the Kingdom of God
7:15 Render unto Caesar
9:33 Children of Rome
11:18 Sons or strangers
13:38 John the Baptist vs. Herod
14:17 Living temple
15:51 Dead Sea Scrolls
16:18 Ransom
18:58 Congregation of Record
21:09 Undeserving poor
21:59 Essenes – Qumran
23:11 John 4 – Living waters
29:18 The church was established by Christ
30:00 Dependence on the Holy Spirit
30:39 Manual of Discipline – Josephus
31:25 Anointed One
32:20 Pentecost – Passover
33:40 Levites
36:29 Sabbath – debt
38:31 Proverbs 6 – sluggards
39:14 Snared
40:24 Surety
40:35 Humility
45:34 7 things the Lord hates
46:54 Economy
51:57 Juvenal’s Satire 10