Audio: The Kingdom Is A Test


Higher Liberty Audio0:46 The Kingdom of God is a test

1:07 Torment in Revelation

1:25 Precious stones, earth or dust

1:50 Abraham created a network

1:59 Thy Kingdom Come

2:11 Altars of earth – adama

2:31 Altars of stone

2:44 Gathering of stones is a council of men

3:32 Study – be diligent

4:44 Abraham a man of peace and faith

5:47 Loyalty, trust must be built

7:21 A form of socialism

7:29 Priests and kings

8:04 Freewill offerings

8:25 Faith vs. force

8:37 Tree of life

10:06 Modern church impotent

10:24 Elders

11:14 Denominations

11:39 Corban

11:57 Love one another

12:13 ,

12:46 Volunteer

15:03 Sweet savor, personal sacrifice

15:25 Judea, Levites, John the Baptist

17:10 Pure religion

22:18 Kingdom of God is within your heart

32:47 Social welfare

33:08 All modern “religions” traced back to Abraham

38:31 Doers of the word

40:39 Mark of the Beast is in your heart

41:08 The Mark of the Beast

41:40 Corban of Christ

41:55 Epigenetics

50:00 Free souls under God

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