1:09 Bottom rail on top
3:01 Horace Greeley – Civil War brought all people down
3:11 Individual and states rights
3:43 Corvee, tribute
4:12 The name of Christ
5:11 God will not hear your prayers
5:48 Congregations of Record
6:05 Go to church to DO good
8:49 Abraham Lincoln – liberty
9:43 One purse
10:50 Spiritual fracking
13:17 Gold of society
15:31 www.hisholychurch.org – www.thelivingnetwork.org
15:50 Personal contact minister
17:06 Romans 13
17:17 Definition of words
18:31 Egypt – abortion – taxes
19:08 Hippocratic Oath
20:21 Scarabs
21:08 Commodity money
22:03 Gordian knot
22:44 Seek the Kingdom of God
22:59 weightier matters
24:17 the word “power”
30:45 The church is a government
30:49 Black’s Law Dictionary
30:56 Cain’s city-state
31:02 Nimrod, Egypt, Israel, Babylon
33:10 The Spirit reveals
33:49 Right to choose and bear consequences
34:02 Tree of Life vs. Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
35:10 Governments are created by men, not God
37:29 Exodus 34:12 – 23:32 – 34:15
38:00 “gods” – ruling judges
38:20 Apo Theos
38:25 There be gods Many
39:05 George Washington painting in U.S. Capitol dome
40:12 National adultery
40:44 Matthew 4:8
46:09 Social Contracts – trust – corporation