0:45 Apo Theos
1:04 Parens Patria
1:11 Jesus Christ accepted as King of Judea by almost everyone
3:54 Hyrcanus and Aristobulus
4:08 Pompey
4:36 Judges appointed by Caesar
5:57 U.S. is a democracy within a republic
6:22 China’s one child contract
8:13 Kingdom of God – no earthly king
8:20 No chaos – elders
8:45 Boaz and Ruth
9:06 Levites – Cities of Refuge
9:45 Dealing with corruption
12:52 gods many – magistrates, judges, rulers
13:23 James 1:22
14:41 World – constitutional order and system of government
16:04 Delusion of democracy
16:28 Most American “forefathers” against democracy.
16:33 1927 U.S. Army Field Manual on democracy
18:09 Taking oaths prohibited by God
19:09 Walter Medhurst
20:15 John 10:34 “Ye are gods”
20:25 Psalms 82:6
22:23 Government is not the problem
22:52 Contracts, Covenants and Constitutions
23:30 Contract clause in U.S. Constitution
23:42 Covenants of the Gods
24:49 Gather locally
25:07 The Oregon Desert
29:07 Amendment 9 – rights and responsibilities
30:00 True charity
30:40 Corruption of the people
31:19 1 Samuel 8
32:10 Common Sense by Thomas Paine
33:46 Society is born in the family
34:32 Motherhood is one of the most important jobs
35:36 Pure republic
36:33 Love one another
38:34 James 2:8
40:25 2 Peter 2:18
41:22 Jude 1:16
42:06 Proverbs 12:24
42:44 Right to be ruled by God.
43:30 Thomas Jefferson – judiciary
43:49 Summary of American Law by George L. Clark
44:37 Alleviate bankrupt systems
50:20 Power of the adversary