Coming to Grips with the Bi-Polar God of the Old and New Testaments

Coming to Grips with the Bi-Polar God of the Old and New Testaments

Modern churchianity generally promotes a “bi-polar God”—one that changes between the Old Testament and New. This is necessary because they are reading both testaments with translations provided from the Pharisaical viewpoint. This perspective is especially convenient for people who have Continue reading Coming to Grips with the Bi-Polar God of the Old and New Testaments

Ten Commandments & Power Politics: Free Nations Have Only 10 Laws

Politics and the Ten Commandments

The majority of those reading this consider themselves “Christian” and NOT polytheistic. What a tangled web we weave to justify ourselves despite our constant sin. When we look beyond the mystical distortion field passed down to us by state corporations called churches headed Continue reading Ten Commandments & Power Politics: Free Nations Have Only 10 Laws

Abraham and Power Politics: Decentralizing Government

Abraham: Father of 5 Religions

Many who label themselves “Christian” don’t realize that the Quran contains more details about the life of Jesus than does the Bible. (Apparently, the Constantinian editors of the Bible found many of those details counterproductive to their efforts at centralization.) Continue reading Abraham and Power Politics: Decentralizing Government

Jesus and Power Politics: The Reserve Banks


This scene portraying Jesus like a drunken, hippie, wild man has been reinforced by popular media. But suppose that interpretation is as ridiculous and as unenlightened as most other things in the mainstream media. If mainstream media promotes this view of Continue reading Jesus and Power Politics: The Reserve Banks