1:05 Definition of Osho
2:30 Covenants of the gods
3:33 The way of the Lord
4:59 The missing factor in society
5:23 contracts and covenants
6:54 The truth hurts
8:16 Iconoclast
8:44 Five stages of grief
10:48 Nicolaitans and error of Balaam
12:28 Denial
15:15 Anger
18:00 Bargaining
19:10 Acceptance
20:05 Depression
23:52 Resignation
26:45 Be in love with the truth
34:54 Humility
35:11 Knowledge does not make greatness
36:06 Forgiveness and faith
36:11 Fear and anger
37:03 Acceptance of truth – no bargaining
38:09 Relaxation techniques can direct blood flow
38:23 Negative emotions hamper healing
39:31 Be at peace with the truth
40:37 Desire to heal others
41:14 Seek to know God at all times
41:53 Ask for the gift of faith
44:56 Casting bread upon the waters – depression
46:52 Forgive good and evil
52:22 Meditation
53:19 Pray for love
The definition of Osho’s name in one of the Chinese languages is funny. Of course, he draws the reference for his name from a famous author. Nevertheless, I bet it would be scary hilarious to find out what names like Steven or Gregory mean in another language!!!