Audio: Church and State

Higher Liberty Audio

Download  1:04 Frederic Bastiat The Law 1:45 Society, socialism, government 4:04 GMO Patents 6:19 Monsanto 10:15 A church is a state 10:38 Jesus appointed a kingdom 10:50 Benefactors feed His sheep 11:15 Free nations 11:30 American Medical Association 11:45 Pharmaceuticals Continue reading Audio: Church and State

Audio: Ubuntu and Charity

Higher Liberty Audio

Download 1:20 Mind control vs. Indwelling Holy Spirit  – Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil vs. Tree of Life 2:45 Dogma 3:17 Truth 4:40 Spirit of the Beast 6:15 Ubuntu, tribalism, congregationalism 6:14 Sacrifice of the Red Heifer 7:15 Thy Continue reading Audio: Ubuntu and Charity

Audio: Deception

Higher Liberty Audio

Download :55 Right to choose 1:25 Inalienable rights 1:40 Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 1:45 Tree of Life 2:20 Frederic Bastiat – Society vs. government 2:40 Social compact 3:07 Divine revelation 4:17 Socialism 5:00 Corban, contributionism 6:10 Continue reading Audio: Deception