Recorded July 16, 2016
To be a free people requires individuals to take on their duties and responsibilities and withdraw from the desire to exercise power and control over the actions of others. This audio discusses the organizational structure of a free church government, a titular government that facilitates freedom and provision for its’ people through love, forgiveness, faith, hope and charity. What are an individual’s duties or responsibilities in a free government? Who oversees it?
1:23 | Many forms of government |
1:40 | Church governemt is titular, no authority to force others. |
2:14 | In a free government the indivudal has the power to govern themselves and protect themselves and their neighbor from abuse or thievery. |
3:05 | Indivduals have the obligation to act justly, righteously |
3:31 | Christ spoke of the weightier matters: law, judgement, mercy and faith. |
5:50 | Violation of rights – where do the rights come from? |
6:14 | Legal rights vs. Natural rights. How does the system work? |
7:04 | How does the system of God work? |
7:20 | Rights and responsibilities are co-relative. Can’t have one without the other. |
7:48 | People don’t have accesss to their natural rights because they don’t exercise their natural responsibilities. |
8:15 | How does a free government operate? |
8:50 | People today think bondage is freedom. |
10:00 | Society evolved to need professional police because society is slothful, lazy in the ways of righteousness. |
13:05 | How did society get to the point where people don’t care about their neighbor? People got slothful. |
14:18 | Police and the Saul syndrome. Police and people need to work together. |
16:00 | Long distance ‘congregations.” |
16:58 | Motivation to gather must come by the holy spirit. |
17:50 | What does a free government look like and how do you get there? How do you become a free people? |
18:13 | Emerson – purpose of life is not happiness is to be useful. To have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. |
19:00 | The universe was created to give life, to give choice to others. |
19:30 | God withdraws his power over you so you can have free choice. |
To | be a free people, you need to withdraw your desire to exercise power and control over the actions of others. |
20:15 | To be willing to set your neighbor free is required for your to be free. |
21:00 | Our mindsets constructed by trauma. The monkey experiment. |
23:50 | Follow a rule as a tradition. |
25:00 | Solzenytzin “The Gulag” |
26:20 | Giving up on solutions. Story of The Ant and the Cup of Tea |
30:30 | Sharing ideas from these audios is difficult. People don’t understand the history, language, relevance. |
32:30 | Abraham taught how to set up systems of social welfare based on faith, hope and charity. Their nations remained free, strong and healthy. They were used to taking care of their neighbors. Teutons, Franks, Israel. |
34:24 | Starting to love causes the uncomfortable realization that we’ve been unloving and slothful. |
36:00 | Systems of welfare based on faith, hope and charity are the answer. |
37:00 | What does it mean to do something in the name of Christ? or to take his name in vain? |
43:30 | The Living Network: People in Congregations of Record of Elders (CORE). |
44:00 | Duties of ordained minister, minister or congregants of His Church. |
45:00 | Testimony is not what you say but what you do. Sacrifice for others. |
45:50 | Your duties are your rights and responsibilities. Religion is the performance of your duties to God and your fellow man. To take care of the widows, orphans of socitey unspotted by the world. That is pure religion. |
48:00 | Why join with others in congregation? Because others might need you. |
48:30 | Tending to the needs (pure religion) is the duty of every congregant, minister or ordained minister of the church established by Jesus Christ. |
What | does that look like? |
52:00 | People accept an idea, and then pass it on to others. |
53:20 | What does it feel like to be wrong? It feels right. |
53:25 | What does it feel like to discover you are wrong? It feels bad. |
53:50 | Forgive yourself. Forgive others who taught you wrong. |
54:40 | People are keeping each other down, but don’t realize it. |
55:25 | To know Christ, you must follow Christ. Where did he go? To serve others. |
56:00 | Very few strong families. Duties, chores strengthen family members. |
1:00:00 | Churchanity provides a source of security and support while learning to walk the walk. |
1:01:00 | Gathering in congregations. Free assembly vs. an association. What makes an assembly? |
1:01:30 | Natural right to peaceful assembly. Assembly is composed of individuals, Associations composed of members. |
1:02:30 | Type of group defines the duty of the minister of that congregation. Minister is not part of the assembly. He connects your assembly to other ministers and other assemblies. |
1:03:27 | Natural duties vs. Contractual duties. |
1:05:18 | Prayer in action. |
1:06:50 | Duty to fellow man is to participate, to care. |
1:07:30 | Joining an Intentional Community for the wrong reasons. |
1:08:12 | Problem with the common purse. |
1:10:00 | Types of HHC Ministers and their duties. |
1:15:00 | Pattern of two or more witnesses. |
1:16:00 | Minister of Record. Sacred Purpose Trust. |
1:18:00 | What made you merchandise? Covetous practices. |
1:18:48 | If covetousness puts you in bondage, then charity and service sets you free. |
1:22:43 | Kingdom of God works on faith, hope and charity. Not force. |
1:23:15 | Current problems are not the fault of the bankers. |
1:25:00 | Who ordains a minister? |
1;27:00 | Only the way back is to learn to give and learn to fit together. It requires forgiveness. |
1:29:00 | Doers of the word. Freely giving. Loving those who don’t love you. |
1:32:00 | Circulation of the church is the way the body works. |
1:34:00 | Minister is a junction point in the circulation of charity. |
1:36:00 | Ministers connect together. Ministers need to care about other congregations as much as they care about their own. Then the ‘body’ is forming in spirit and in truth. |
1:39:00 | Congregants don’t relinquish their rights or responsibilities. Rights are responsibilities. Moral responsibilities should be filled with patience, forgiveness, charity, love for one another. You are all parts of the same spiritual body. A spiritual bond between us and Christ, and each other |
1:41:00 | How do we love each other? How do we practice true religion? What does it look like? |
1:44:00 | A voluntary society. |