2:38 Man’s vulnerability to deceit
3:15 A new person in Christ
3:40 By their fruits
4:09 1 Samuel 8
5:06 The way, the path
5:34 Covetousness, apathy, avarice
6:29 Provisions of righteousness
6:45 Personal responsibility
7:29 Tree of life, Holy Spirit
8:00 Metaphor, symbolism
8:44 Idolatry of symbols over truth
9:02 Tefillin
9:35 Deuteronomy 6:8
10:00 Phylacteries, shel yad, shel rosh
13:15 Heart, head, hand
14:18 Ecclesiastes 6:11
15:36 Psalm 4:4
15:55 Proverbs 9:17
16:13 Simple
17:59 Psalm 4:5 Sacrifice of righteousness
18:49 1 Thessalonians 4:11 Study to be quiet 2 Timothy 2:15
19:29 Study, workman
20:19 Faith, conviction
23:28 Clean out wounds
23:46 Abundance of peace and truth – Jeremiah 33:6
25:17 Forgiveness – fasting from judgment
29:29 Health
29:59 Enticements, temptations
30:22 How to find God
30:37 Sin, desire
30:53 Proverbs 8:35-36
32:00 Pain
32:55 “Called by My name”
33:12 Wicked ways
33:49 Repent of covetousness
34:32 Take care of one another
34:44 Work out your own salvation
35:19 Forgive and be forgiven
36:27 Be humble and merciful
37:03 Stand still, learn to listen
37:13 The whole armor of God
37:36 Fasting
39:40 BE the church
40:08 Moses, Pharisees, Jesus the High Priest and King
40:49 Israel, the church, Jerusalem
42:42 Symbols, idolatry